After BIG POP GUITAR NOISE, Dave and myself decided to musically go our seperate ways. The next thing I did was to hook up with Stu and Deak from THE CRISPS to provide drums and bass, with the addition of another pal of ours: Gumby (on guitar) and his mate .. whose name I cannot for the life of me remember on vox. I must admit, that I didn't (and still don't) care much for the music we put together in this blend. It's here because I'm a completist. Nevertheless, here for you to enjoy (?) are 2 rehearsals from us. 

The first being at Gumby's house (and it's the very first time we got together) with Gumby, myself and Deak; with the second being at the English Bridge Workshop with the addition of Stu on drums and 'Gumby's mate' on vocals.

It wasn't too long before 'Gumby's mate' got the boot (Gumby left shortly after) and Stu, Deak 'n' me got together with the delightful 15 year old Andie to form the rather splendid: DAVINCIS!
Gumby's home plus 
English Bridge rehearsal. 
Late 1989 - Early 1990